PHDs Holders Teaching Opportunity by HEC Higher Education Commission
PHDs Holders Teaching Opportunity by HEC Higher Education Commission advertised in Express Newspaper dated 27-12-2023. The Higher Education Commission is giving the best opportunities of PHDs holders for starting their career in Teaching line.
Interim Placement of Fresh PhDs (IPFP) – Phase II – Batch V
Applications are invited for the IPFP program in all areas of study / discipline. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) launches the IPFP to create an opportunity for fresh PhDs to obtain academic experience and membership, for one year in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and federal / provincial government post graduate colleges, prior to their formal entry into the academic job market.
Details of PHDs Holders Teaching Opportunity by HEC Higher Education Commission
Eligibility Criteria
- The Pakistani and AJK National are eligible to apply.
- Applicant Age should not be over 40 years at the date of advertisement.
- PhD degree holder must have completed within the two years preceding the advertisement.
- Applicant have published at least two research publications in HEC recognized or indexed journals.
- Only unemployed applicants are eligible. However, those holding irregular or contract positions (or other sub-optimal jobs) in universities or elsewhere may also apply, and if selected, will have to resign, and submit a clearance certificate from their previous employer.
Program Benefits
- NFDP: Eligible candidates will get an opportunity to attend up to four weeks outstanding training (free of cost) under National Faculty Development Program. No stipend will be paid during training.
- Placement of Host Institutions: HEC will facilitate in providing opportunity of placement at Higher Education Institutions for a period of one year.
- Monetary Benefits: HEC will pay a fixed Remuneration during placement, currently fixed at PKR 150,000/- per month for a period of 12 months from the date of joining to the IPFP Fellows.
How To Apply for PHDs Holders Teaching Opportunity by HEC Higher Education Commission
- The interested candidates are required to apply online through HEC E-Portal on or before January 25, 2024 at 12:00 am.
- Scanned copies of HEC-attested PhD degree, and/or an equivalence certificate issued by the HEC must be uploaded together with the application.
- Deposit slip of RS 3000/- (non-refundable) in favor of Director Finance, HEC in the Account Number 1742-79001334-01 Habib Bank Limited shall also required to upload.
- Applicants are required to post the hard copy (printed application form) along with the requisite documents, photographs and original fee deposit slip.
- The eligible candidates must appear in pre-assessment test will be held on Sunday February 25, 2024.
- Application Last date is January 26, 2024.
Latest Advertisement of PHDs Holders Teaching Opportunity by HEC Higher Education Commission

PHDs Holders Teaching Opportunity by HEC Higher Education Commission
Last Date 26-01-2024
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