THE REVISED LEAVE RULES, 1981 (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — They shall apply to all civil servants other than those who were employed before the first day of July, 1978, and opted not to be governed by the Revision of Leaves Rule issued under the Finance Department’s Circular Letter No FD.SR-III-1-85/78 dated 5th November, 1978.

If we talk about the Leaves of Govt servant and then we be search about the rules about the leaves of all types. On this part, the revised leaves rules of the Govt of Punjab have complete data about the rolling of the leaves which can be availed a govt employee or grant by the competent authority of the departments of Govt of Punjab.

Revised Punjab Leave Rules 1981 (Updated) – In PDF
We are sharing the Revised Punjab Leaves Rules 1981 (updated) in PDF. You can read and find any category of leave as required to study or can download the complete on one click.
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